Articles on: Admin Site

Add and remove Admin level access

Overview of Admin User Privileges

Whoever first created your Parsley account will by default be the first 'Admin' User on your account. Admin users have the ability to:

Invite users from your ATS
Add and remove seats, (affecting billing)
Assign and unassign seats
Delete users entirely
Grant and Remove Admin access from other users

The only thing an Admin user might not be able to do, is change your billing method.

Please proceed with great caution when granting Admin privileges to other users. Once they are an Admin, they can do everything listed above, including removing YOU as an Admin.

How to Add and remove Admin level access

Adding someone as an Admin is easy:

Click on the action button next to any Parsley user in your list
Select 'Add as Admin'.

Removing Admin access is also easy

Click on the action button next to any Parsley user in your list
Select 'Remove as Admin'.

Updated on: 18/08/2023

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